Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan
Want to look up your MERP benefits?
Visit our partners at Vimly Benefit Solutions. They have a tool called SIMON which is our Online Benefits Portal for MERP benefits. It is through this portal that users can quickly and easily access and enroll in their MERP benefits. SIMON can be accessed through or clink on the link below.
Visit our partners at Vimly Benefit Solutions. They have a tool called SIMON which is our Online Benefits Portal for MERP benefits. It is through this portal that users can quickly and easily access and enroll in their MERP benefits. SIMON can be accessed through or clink on the link below.
NEED INFORMATION - Contact the MERP Broker
The Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Employee Benefit Trust has contracted with DiMartino Associates in Seattle as the broker for the Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan. Through our consulting broker, they manage the day-to-day operation of the Trust and handle all questions arising from billing and benefits.
Please contact DiMartino Associates, Inc. the following ways:
[email protected]
DiMartino Associates
1501 4th Ave Suite 2400
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 623-2430 or (800) 488-8277
WSCFF Employee Benefit Trust c/o Benefit Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 6 Mukilteo, WA 98275
Phone: (425) 771-7359
Fax: (866) 601-4397
Email: [email protected]
The Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Employee Benefit Trust has contracted with DiMartino Associates in Seattle as the broker for the Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan. Through our consulting broker, they manage the day-to-day operation of the Trust and handle all questions arising from billing and benefits.
Please contact DiMartino Associates, Inc. the following ways:
[email protected]
DiMartino Associates
1501 4th Ave Suite 2400
Seattle, WA 98101
(206) 623-2430 or (800) 488-8277
WSCFF Employee Benefit Trust c/o Benefit Solutions, Inc.
P.O. Box 6 Mukilteo, WA 98275
Phone: (425) 771-7359
Fax: (866) 601-4397
Email: [email protected]
Dear Participants in the Washington State Council of Fire Fighters Employee Benefit Trust: The Washington State Council of Fire Fighters has established the Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (“MERP” or the “Plan”) of the WSCFF Employee Benefit Trust (the “Trust”) to provide an important piece of financial support during your retirement. Your participation in MERP means you are building a fund to assist with medical costs you will incur after you retire. Your Local has negotiated contributions to the Trust in your Collective Bargaining Agreement. The Trust is highly tax-favored. The contributions are pre-tax dollars; Trust earnings are not taxable; and when you begin receiving benefits in the future, they will not be taxed (unlike pension payments, which are taxed). The WSCFF Employee Benefit Trust is controlled by a Board of Trustees, who are fellow fire fighters selected by the membership of participating Locals or the WSCFF Executive Board. We are very pleased to provide you this booklet, which contains a “Summary Plan Description” that provides general information about the operation of MERP in a Question-andAnswer format, and describes the rights and protections to which you are entitled under federal law. In addition, this booklet contains the Plan itself, as well as the HIPAA Notice and General COBRA Notice. The WSCFF and the Board of Trustees are committed to the successful operation of this Plan, in hopes of helping fire fighters and their families decrease the burden of retiree health costs. Please contact one of the Trustees if you have any questions or comments on the Plan. |
The Plan is administered by the Board of Trustees of the WSCFF Employee Benefit Trust. The Board has retained the services of a contract administrator to assist in recordkeeping, claims payments, etc. You may contact the Board of Trustees in care of the Trust Office. The contact information of the Trust Office is:
This web site is not a legal document. This web site is not a guarantee of coverage, eligibility, or provider status and is designed for informational illustration only. Benefits outlined on this web site are subject to change at any time. Please consult your benefit plan provider(s) or administrator(s) for legal documents regarding your plan and to check coverage and/or eligibility.