8 FREE Counseling Sessions - For Members & Dependents - |
Virtual CounselingTo access virtual counseling services (text, chat, phone, video), visit Member.MagellanHealthcare.com. You’ll need to be logged in to explore the services. Click here for instructions to log in or set up a new account. Go to the top navigation bar and click on “Find Care.” When you get to the “Find Care” page, click on “Find balance with your online therapist.” Virtual therapy is provided by BetterHelp at no cost to you and is available to individuals ages 13 years and older.
In-person or telehealth* counselingTo access in-person or telehealth* counseling services, visit Member.MagellanHealthcare.com. You do not need to be logged in to search for a provider. Go to the top navigation bar and click on “Find Care.” When you get to the “Find Care” page, click on the “Browse for local care providers” tile. Be sure to select an EAP provider.